Raising Pigs

Did someone say bacon?

Here at K&M Farm, we prefer to raise our meat for personal consumption. We know how the animal is treated, its health record, and what it ate. We also enjoy caring for animals and ensuring they are happy and healthy while fulfilling their purpose. 

We raise 3-4 pigs every other year. Although we only put one in our freezer, pigs are very social animals and do best when in groups. Pigs are very smart, like interacting with humans and can learn patterns and processes quickly. They are also Houdini-like in their ability to move objects or find a way to get into or out of an area.

We buy small young pigs from another farm when they are typically 8-10 weeks old when they weigh approximately 40 pounds. We "finish" them on pasture and grain and slaughter them at 8-9 months when they weigh between 350-400 pounds.

Fun pig facts: