Avian inFluenza

Let's talk about AI - and it is not Artificial Intelligence!

You may have recently heard the term Avian Influenza (AI) in the news. What exactly does that mean?

AI is a highly contagious illness that is easily spread by migratory birds. Think Canadian geese and ducks. It is also spread by hawks, eagles, and Turkey Buzzards (aka Vultures). Some of these birds may interact with small backyard flocks which can quickly be completely wiped out! This disease can even travel on tires of vehicles and on shoes and clothing.

If a farm contracts AI, the only solution to stop the spread is to "depopulate" (kill) all of their birds. Yes. All of them. Even those who have not contracted the disease yet. This results in a huge loss of revenue for farmers and their integrator (the company a farm grows for) In 2023, in Rockingham county, two turkey farms very close to us have been impacted resulting in over 40,000 birds killed. We were placed in the "Hot Zone" for 21 days to help prevent the spread.

Rockingham county is one of the largest poultry-producing areas on the east coast. The CDC  consistently tracks AI and reports not only on birds that die but other mammals as well who interface in some way with an infected bird and contract the illness. This year that list includes bears, foxes, and coyotes.

So you are not a poultry farmer. Why does this matter? You can help prevent the spread! Biosecurity at poultry farms is a serious business. Have you ever seen the signs at chicken farms that say no visitors? Those signs are more important now than ever. Farmers need you to follow those signs and contact them before entering their property.

We have set up a perimeter where no one can pass, other than us. We utilize bleach pans for our shoes and have separate boots for each poultry house. We do not wear street clothes to do chicken work. We also carry spray for our shoes and tires when we leave the farm to ensure we do not unintentionally spread AI in our community.