But Wait, There's More: Bees Part 2

Bees produce several products. Honey is, of course, the most well-known. Do you know what the other five products are?

1. Honey

2. Pollen

3. Royal jelly

4. Beeswax

5. Propolis

6. Venom

All these items are collected and used by people for various nutritional and medicinal purposes.

Pollen is produced from the anthers of flowering plants. The pollen is normally collected by bees whenforaging from one flower to another. In the process, they act as pollinating agents! Thanks Bees!

Royal Jelly is a white fluid that is paste-like and is secreted by the worker bee from its head glands. Thejelly is used to feed the larvae in the colony. All larvae receive jelly for the first three days. When a colony decides which larvae they want to become their queen, they will feed that special baby ONLY royal jelly.

Beeswax is used for candles and beauty products. It is also used as a natural, food-grade polish.

Propolis is also known as “Bee glue.” Bees make it by mixing their saliva with beeswax and plant sap. It is a VERY sticky substance, and they use it around the hive to seal up cracks and insulate the hive from the elements. Propolis is rich in all of the B vitamins C and E, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Some people take propolis to aid in their gastrointestinal health.

Venom is used for medical treatments for arthritis patients. Bee venom contains several active molecules, such as peptides and enzymes, that have advantageous potential in treating inflammation and central nervous system diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Who knew the bee created all these useful products?